The Anatomy of an Attack: The Stages of a Malware Breach

Written by: Jason Meilleur
Published: August 22, 2017



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    What is Malware?
    What do you know about the stages of Malware Breach? The term malware is an abbreviation for “malicious software”. It is used to refer to virus, spyware, and Trojans that can cause damage to your computer. These types of malware can do more harm to your data than you think.
    In the past year, there have been two major ransomware attacks that affected at least 99 countries worldwide. Ransomware is most prominent with medium to large businesses as this kind of malware can lock down your computer and threaten to erase everything, unless a ransom is paid to its owner.
    So, what really happens during a malware attack? The infographic below outlines the typical steps involved in a breach:
    The Solution?
    Did you know that Azure backup protects against ransomware? Since ransomware attackers target your valuable data, it is critical to have backups that are inaccessible to a malicious attacker. Azure backup recently released a set of new features to help protect your on-premise to cloud backups from ransomware.
    Permanent loss to your data can have a significant impact on your business and without the protection of Microsoft Azure, all your invaluable corporate and personal data will be lost. When your data is backed up with Azure, you receive a security PIN generated by the Azure portal, which allows for security controlled access. If a hacker manages to delete your backup data, Azure Backup will store your deleted backup data for up to 14 days after deletion.
    In the end, the best defense is a proactive one: always back up all your files and do so with a technology strategy that makes you feel managed and protected. The experts at 360 Visibility will help you design, deploy, and manage your cloud servers, hosting, and storage for unparalleled security, performance, reliability, and scalability, all while saving you on traditional hardware, utilities, and IT costs.

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