Home » Documentation » 360 Canadian PAD for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central » How to Use – Direct Debit Collection PAD

How to use 360 Canadian PAD – Usage Scenarios

Scenario – Direct Debit Collection PAD

  1. Go to Direct Debit Collections.

  2. Click on New->Create Direct Debit Collection

  3. On the Create Direct Debit Collection request page, fill in the following information and click OK.

    • From Due Date
    • To Due Date
    • Partner Type – Choose “Company” or “Person” as appropriate
    • Only Customer with a valid Mandate –
    • Specifies if a PAD collection is created for customers who have a valid direct-debit mandate. A PAD collection is created even if the Direct Debit Mandate ID field is not filled on the sales invoice. However, the user will have to manually update Mandate information after the PAD lines are created.
    • Only Invoices with a valid Mandate-
    • Specifies if a PAD collection is only created for sales invoices if a valid direct-debit mandate is selected in the Direct Debit Mandate ID field on the sales invoice.
    • Bank Account No – Select your Bank Account which the PAD will be credited to.

  4. Once the Direct Debit Collection entry is created, click on the Edit Assist button, and then click on Direct Debit Collection Entries.

  5. Verify that the suggested data and resolve any issues flagged by the system

  6. Once all the errors are resolved click on Generate Direct Debit File.

  7. Click “Yes” to confirm

  8. The file will be created in your Downloads folder.

  9. If the PAD file gets created successfully, then the Direct Debit Collection line status will be changed to “File Created”

  10. If any of the PAD transactions gets rejected by the bank, select the respective line, and click on Reject Entry.

  11. Verify that the lines status has changed to “Rejected”

  12. Click on “Post Payment Receipts” to post the all the PAD lines that have got credited to the Bank account.

  13. Click OK to Confirm Posting

  14. Verify that the lines status has changed to “Posted”

  15. Finally, click on “Close Collection” to close the Direct Debit Collection batch.

  16. Click “Yes” to confirm

  17. Once the batch is closed you will not be able register anymore payment on that batch.