Getting your system up and running is tricky without a Business Central Consultant. Collaborating with one for your Business Central implementation can make the process simple. Most companies are realizing that the need for an efficient business management solution or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is no longer a subject for negotiations. A robust ERP system is essential for improving operational efficiency and data access in your company.
Keys to Success With your Business Central Consultant
Your success or failure depends on the choice of your implementation partner. Actually, over 29% of ERP implementations result in massive failures. A good Business Central consultant will work with you to understand your business, users, and needs – current and future – and then recommend a detailed plan to implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Such partners will help you perform a “comprehensive evaluation and selection analysis” of your business. That way, you won’t be making another horror story statistic for another ERP implementation project gone south.
Identifying a Business Central consultant you can trust, unfortunately, is not always easy. Besides, switching implementation partners could result in frustrations, added costs, and project delays. But, sometimes changing partners to rescue yourself from a failed or challenging implementation is worth it.
Here is a round-up of the tips you need to help you find your preferred partner.
Think globally, act locally
While you need to look out for the best solutions, not every partner can offer tailored solutions that are a perfect match for your industry needs. Unlike international partners, local Business Central consultants understand your local ERP needs better.
Make a perfect extension of your team
Your Business Central consultant should be more of an extension of your team. They need to be accountable to every inch of success of the implementation of your ERP system. Based on their vast experience, they will empower your employees to be self-sufficient.
Speak the language of your customers/user
For your Business Central consultant to manage the roll out, they should be able to converse with local users. That means you will need a local partner who are able to speak the language of your customers. Even when your project is international and needs to be implemented for different locations, it will pay massively to engage a local partner as part of your delivery team.
Expertise in the industry
Microsoft recommends going for partners that demonstrates expertise in your industry. Here are some of the questions you need to ask yourself:
1. What is the partner’s experience in the industry?
Implementations run more smoothly when your partner understand the specific demands of the market you are operating in. They also need to be familiar with the jargon and the language the users are using. Most reliable Business Central consultants average 4 years of experience offering ERP solutions to their customers.
The more, the better.
2. Do they have all the necessary certifications from Microsoft?
Go for professionals. Look for partners who are certified for core competencies – supply chain, financial, accounting, payroll/human resources, etc. Also look for a partner that has achieved Microsoft Solutions Partner Badges. These are signs of having a highly trained, current team with many successful implementations. This certification assures you that:
- Customers can always have references for Business Central deployments
- Customer satisfaction is monitored by Microsoft
- Their employees are also Microsoft Certified Professionals
- The company can access critical Microsoft technical resources
Final thoughts
Finding the right system for your business can be a daunting task, but finding the right partner to implement it can be even harder. You’ve decided on Dynamics 365 Business Central because it’s the right choice for your business. Now the partner you select could mean the difference between a bad or good implementation.