Say No to DIY When Migrating to Microsoft Azure Cloud

Written by: Jason Meilleur
Published: February 24, 2016

Part 1 of a 2 part series on Microsoft Azure Cloud and the issues that you can avoid when migrating to the Cloud. Read Part 2 here: Migrate to Azure Cloud the Right Way.

Are you ready to leave your old legacy IT system and take advantage of cloud computing? You might be considering Microsoft Azure Cloud hosting as a potential IT solution. Azure provides high-quality cloud hosting and infrastructure for your business applications, storage, and data so you may as well just head on over and sign up for the free trial!

Hold on! Not so fast! While Microsoft Azure cloud hosting is an excellent choice for a service provider, taking a do-it-yourself approach to migrating your IT infrastructure from your in-house legacy servers and software to the cloud is a big step that is fraught with potential mishaps.

You wouldn’t (and really who would) perform heart surgery on yourself, you may not want to take a do-it-yourself approach to your business IT infrastructure. The intricacies of the human heart are too critical to leave in the hands of just anyone. In the same way, if you want to migrate your IT infrastructure, you will need to partner with an expert. Otherwise, you will run into inevitable snags, mistakes and pitfalls with your new cloud computing infrastructure, and maybe even a heart attack along the way.

Here are just a few reasons to seek the assistance of a Microsoft Azure Cloud Migration Specialist when migrating your business’s software applications and data to the cloud.

Failing to Plan Is Planning to Fail

One mistake that businesses frequently make when migrating to Microsoft Azure Cloud Hosting is to convert all business systems to the cloud at the same time. You can’t just convert your entire business infrastructure to the cloud in a fell swoop. You need to plan a process to successfully make this move in order to minimize risk and disruption of your business. An Azure expert can help you to:

  1. Set up a process for on-ramping your business to cloud in an orderly fashion.
  2. Identify the most critical components of your business that need to be on the cloud.
  3. Address all of the risks and deployment issues up front. This saves time and money because you will start full integration of your system into the cloud and not get caught trying to retroactively integrate important features like security on the back-end.
  4. It will also address connectivity issues within your business. You don’t want to jump to the cloud and then find that you don’t really have the resources to connect to your applications when you need them.
  5. The on-ramping process will include clear expected outcomes and milestones for a phased integration.

Stay tuned for 3 more critical reasons why you should not take the DIY approach to migrating to the Azure Cloud, in the second part of our Azure Cloud series.


Without a qualified Azure expert to help you plan your migration, you may wind up exposing your business to security risks and spending more money on your migration than you wanted to.

360 Visibility is a Microsoft Gold Partner with Gold competency in Cloud Productivity and Cloud Platform that employs certified Azure Cloud experts, and won the Microsoft award for fastest growing cloud provider in North America.

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