How The Cloud Can Give Your Business a Competitive Edge

Written by: Jason Meilleur
Published: January 25, 2018



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    The adoption of Cloud Computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) is one of the fastest growing technologies among small businesses. What was traditionally thought of as “accounting software” is now labeled “ERP” (Enterprise Resource Planning) to reflect more core solution capabilities that can manage your businesses daily operations.
    With a connected set of mobile solutions that are more accessible to small and midsize businesses (SMB), the Cloud has enabled SMB to contribute to a better work-life balance without productivity taking a hit.
    Here are the top 5 ways the Cloud has enabled SMB:

    1. Remote access to business applications

    With a Cloud based solution your employees can access their files from anywhere, using any device. With more than half the workforce working from home or remotely, you can remove boundaries to streamline teamwork and collaboration. With a Cloud based solution, employees can work face to face using virtual meetings, secure file sharing, and access shared files from anywhere in the world! There are multiple benefits contributing to a better work-life balance without productivity taking a hit. Many organizations are even starting to see some employees swap a portion of their pay for the ability to telecommute!

    2. Pay-per-use

    A Cloud based solution can allow businesses to save on large sums of IT resources. How? Cloud computing cuts out the high cost of hardware. Because the Cloud is set on pay-per-use/month to month subscription, businesses only need to pay for the services and resources they use. This allows for more customization within dashboards and flexibility in services to increase or decrease resources as businesses see change. This can allow small to medium businesses to gain a competitive advantage because it enables small business to compete with the larger corporations, while at the same time remaining cost effective and transparent.

    3. Increased competitiveness

    When your teams can access, edit and share documents anytime, from anywhere, they’re able to do more together, and do it better. Moving to the cloud gives your business and employees better access to enterprise-class technology. It allows smaller business to Think Clearly and Act Faster than the bigger, more established businesses.

    4. Automate software updates

    The beauty of cloud computing is that the servers are off-premise, out of sight and out of your hair. Suppliers take care of them for you and roll out regular software updates – including security updates – so you don’t have to worry about wasting time maintaining the system yourself. Leaving you free to focus on the things that matter, like growing your business.

    5. Cloud security and disaster recovery

    In the past it was very expensive to implement a Disaster Recovery plan without bringing in a third party. Now with the Cloud, your business has greater control over data security and compliance with built-in user-access policies, data-loss prevention, multi-factor authentication, mobile device management and threat protection from malware. Because your data is automatically backed-up and stored within the Cloud, you can access information no matter what happens to your server.
    A solid mobile strategy starts in the cloud. Cloud-based business applications and productivity tools offer better economics, convenience, capabilities, and security while enabling your mobile and remote workers to achieve more. Customers, partners, and employees increasingly demand anywhere, anytime access to data and content—think mobile-first, cloud-first to deliver what they need.

    What should you be looking for in your cloud solution?

    To succeed with a Cloud based solution, your organization will need business-class performance, comprehensive capabilities, familiar and consistent user experience, and enterprise-grade security, all from a single, trustworthy cloud provider. 360 Visibility is a Microsoft Gold Cloud Partner and we assist in providing clients around the world with powerful Cloud-based solutions. At 360 Visibility we provide organizations with ERP solutions and robust cloud infrastructure technology, leveraging Microsoft Dynamics and Azure, to deliver solutions that address specific customer challenges. Each solution is meticulously designed using our Business Impact Assessment (BIA) approach to ensure your current and future needs are addressed, allowing you to effectively pilot your business, capitalize on opportunities, and avoid pitfalls.

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